Episode 17 - Serious Cheeseburgers

On the foodiest episode of the podcast yet, Chris and Dan and Kyle take the advice of Twitter friends and talk about cheeseburgers and cereal. And...and...and booze. Also, who else is rewat…

Casual Friday - Hard West

Outside Rockstar's densely packed open-world experiences in the Red Dead Redemption series, the Old West has been kind of a non-starter in the realm of video games in the last deca…

Letterboxd Review - Trolls: World Tour (2020)

If it's true that the circumstances behind the unorthodox new way films are being released are a bell not to be un-rung, are we really going to remember Trolls: World Tour as the …

Crossing the Stream - Waco (2018)

I typically cringe at the prospect of taking a real-life event full of tragedy and dramatizing it for the compelling entertainment value. A movie about the Boston bombing, or 9/11? Har…

Side Order - Old Sitcoms and Frozen Facts

Feast upon the cut morsels of a Media Sandwich bumper episode! Featuring lots of talk about decades-old sitcom episodes, and then Chris dropping some knowledge about Disney's Froze…

Letterboxd Review - Prospect (2018)

As much bandwidth is chewed up pointing out that Star Wars is a space western, it's really not. Parts of it fit, but then again parts of Star Wars fit equally into Wizard of Oz , Yoj…

DRAT Ep. 7 - Onward (2020)

Chris, Dan, and Kyle are all still stuck at home, but Disney decided to drop the latest Pixar joint on Disney Plus! Three houses full of cooped up kids, what else are we going to be w…

Sandwich Board: April, 2020

Photo from www.cbc.ca I guess--call me jaded and call me overly weary--I didn't expect to have more than one generation-defining moment in less than two decades. But hey, when Rome…

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